Hpnotiq 750ml

Hpnotiq 750ml

Captain Morgan Spice Rum 1.75L

Captain Morgan Spice Rum 1.75L

Canadian Club 6YO Whisky 1.75L

Location: Progreso

***Online orders must be placed by 4:00pm Monday-Saturday and by 3:00pm on Sundays.***

Availability: Out of stock
Canadian Club Whisky 6 YO / 1750ML Canadian Club, with it's unique distilling process was a cut above the rest. Lighter than Scotch and smoother than bourbon, this was no ordinary whiskey. Still made and bottled in Walkerville Canada, Canadian Club is the only Canadian whiskey that is 'barrel-blended' prior to aging in white oak barrels to allow the flavours to marry. Aged six years (twice the period of required by Canadian law), Canadian Club is a true, quality Canadian whisky that has not changed with time.